snakeng package
snakeng.snake module
- class snakeng.snake.Direction[source]
Enumerates all possible directions
- Variables:
LEFT (int) – Left movement direction
RIGHT (int) – Right movement direction
UP (int) – Upwards movement direction
DOWN (int) – Downwards movement direction
- DOWN = 3
- LEFT = 0
- RIGHT = 1
- UP = 2
- class snakeng.snake.Position(x: int = 0, y: int = 0)[source]
Position of an object within the game area
- __init__(x: int = 0, y: int = 0) None
- x: int = 0
- y: int = 0
- class snakeng.snake.SnakeGame(width=40, height=30, wall_wrap=True, initial_direction=3, fixed_speed=None, apples_disappear=True, apple_disappear_ticks=None)[source]
Represents a single instance of a snake game
- __init__(width=40, height=30, wall_wrap=True, initial_direction=3, fixed_speed=None, apples_disappear=True, apple_disappear_ticks=None)[source]
- Parameters:
width (int) – Game area width, in units of snake body segments
height (int) – Game area height, in units of snake body segments
wall_wrap (bool) – If True, the snake will die when it hits a wall. If False, the snake will ‘teleport’ through the wall and continue from the opposite wall.
initial_direction (int) – Initial movement direction for the snake. Expected to be one of the values defined under the Direction class.
fixed_speed (int) – If unset, then the snake speed will automatically increase as the snake size increases. If set to one of the values defined under the Speed class, then the snake speed will be set to the specified speed for the duration of the game, with no speed increases.
apples_disappear (bool) – If True, apples will disappear after a fixed period of time if not collected. If False, apples will stay forever until collected.
apple_disappear_ticks (int) – specifies number of frames before apple disappears. If set to None, a sane default will be used.
- deserialize(game_state)[source]
Deserialize a saved game state from a dict and populate this instance with it
- Parameters:
game_state (dict) – saved game state to deserialize
- class snakeng.snake.SnakeGameState(area_width: int = 120, area_height: int = 120, snake_segments: ~typing.List = <factory>, snake_direction: int = 2, snake_speed: int = 4, fixed_speed: bool = False, score: int = 0, apple_position: ~snakeng.snake.Position = None, dead: bool = False, apples_disappear: bool = True, apple_disappear_ticks: int = None, apple_ticks: int = 0)[source]
Represents the state of the game for a single frame.
- Variables:
area_width (int) – Width of the game area
area_height (int) – Height of the game area
snake_segments (list) – List of Position objects representing the current position of each segment of the snake
snake_direction (int) – Current movement direction of the snake, one of the constants defined by the Direction class
snake_speed (int) – Current movement speed of the snake, one of the constants defined by the Speed class
fixed_speed – If True, snake speed does not change relative to snake size
score (int) – Number of apples the snake has collected
apple_position – Position object representing the current position of the apple, or None if there is no apple.
dead (bool) – True if the snake has died
apples_disappear (bool) – If True, apples will disappear after a fixed period of time if not collected. If False, apples will stay forever until collected.
apple_disappear_ticks (int) – specifies number of frames before apple disappears.
apple_ticks (int) – Number of ticks elapsed for current apple.
- __init__(area_width: int = 120, area_height: int = 120, snake_segments: ~typing.List = <factory>, snake_direction: int = 2, snake_speed: int = 4, fixed_speed: bool = False, score: int = 0, apple_position: ~snakeng.snake.Position = None, dead: bool = False, apples_disappear: bool = True, apple_disappear_ticks: int = None, apple_ticks: int = 0) None
- apple_disappear_ticks: int = None
- apple_ticks: int = 0
- apples_disappear: bool = True
- area_height: int = 120
- area_width: int = 120
- dead: bool = False
- deserialize(attrs)[source]
Load the instance with values from a serialized dict
- Parameters:
attrs (dict) – dict containing instance values
- fixed_speed: bool = False
- score: int = 0
- serialize()[source]
Serialize the instance to a dict suitable for use with json.dump
- Returns:
serialized data as a dict
- Return type:
- snake_direction: int = 2
- snake_segments: List
- snake_speed: int = 4
- to_string(frame_corner_char='+', frame_horiz_char='-', frame_vert_char='|', snake_head_left_char='<', snake_head_right_char='>', snake_head_up_char='^', snake_head_down_char='v', snake_body_char='#', apple_char='@', space_char=' ')[source]
Convert the instance to an ASCII string representing the current game state
- Parameters:
frame_corner_char (str) – Character to use when drawing the corners of the game area boundary
frame_horiz_char (str) – Character to use when drawing the horizontal (top and bottom) sides of the game area boundary
frame_horiz_char – Character to use when drawing the vertical (left and right) sides of the game area boundary
snake_head_left_char (str) – Character to use for the snake head when snake is moving in the left direction
snake_head_right_char (str) – Character to use for the snake head when snake is moving in the right direction
snake_head_up_char (str) – Character to use for the snake head when snake is moving in the up direction
snake_head_down_char (str) – Character to use for the snake head when snake is moving in the down direction
snake_body_char (str) – Character to use when drawing the snake body segments
apple_char (str) – Character to use when drawing the apple
space_char (str) – Character to use when drawing empty space
- class snakeng.snake.Speed[source]
Enumerates all possible movement speeds for the snake
- Variables:
FASTER (int) – Fastest movement speed (1 segment per frame)
FAST (int) – Fast movement speed (1 segment every 2 frames)
MEDIUM (int) – Medium movement speed (1 segment every 3 frames)
SLOW (int) – Slowest movement speed (1 segment every 4 frames)
- FAST = 2
- FASTER = 1
- MEDIUM = 3
- SLOW = 4